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The vision for Godley Green is set out in the masterplan and design code which sit within the planning application. They have been developed based on the vision for Godley Green. 

Land Use                   Built Form                Ecology    

Connectivity            Neighbourhoods       The Masterplan

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Land Uses

The masterplan proposes a broad mix of uses, with larger residential neighbourhoods supported by mixed-use village centres. 

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Land Uses

Built Form

The built form at Godley Green will be fairly dense in its nature with development parcels tucked into the existing landscape.

Developing at higher residential densities allows for a compact development, locating more people within walking distance of the amenities that will serve their daily lives. It also allows for the retention and enhancement of valuable landscape features.

Built Form

Ecology and Biodiversity

The design of the Godley Green masterplan has taken an ecology-led approach, ensuring a thorough understanding of the landscape and its existing habitats has informed the location and form of proposed development.

Fundamentally, the masterplan seeks to avoid areas of high ecological value, as well as delivering several designed mitigation measures to ensure a biodiversity Net Gain is achieved as a result of the development.

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Specific Mitigation Measures: (Hover to see)


A minimum 15m buffer of green open space around the boundaries of the Ancient Woodland and SBI. Buffers will include additional defensive planting to restrict access.


Introduce additional planting in parts of the buffer where development is in closest proximity to the environmental designation, to act as
a defensive boundary.


There is potential to deliver swale features between residential parcels, footpaths and buffer zones to act
as an additional defensive barrier to the protected designations.


Rear boundaries of adjacent dwellings would include native planting and steep level changes to provide a defensive boundary to environmental designations.


Promote pedestrian movement around the buffer zones. Footfall will increase through open spaces but discourage access through designations and buffer zones.


Parking proposals in adjacent plots will ensure vehicular traffic is kept away from the interface with the sensitive environmental designations.


Existing hedgerows and tree lines running
perpendicular to the woodland are retained and enhanced, acting as habitat corridors to enhance arboreal connectivity.


Movement and connectivity

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• Two multi-purpose centres, comprising of: community, health and retail facilities serve adjacent residential development. 

• Generous proportions of public open space are provided, within a ten minute walk of both proposed and existing residential areas.

• Two train stations serve the site, providing direct connections with Manchester.

• Existing residents are shown in red.

The design code aims to create a pedestrian-focused, walkable and green movement hierarchy. It covers key elements of public realm and street design, ensuring the built form is seamlessly connected with the existing natural landscape.

Ultimately the framework will ensue a permeable development which is well-connected with surrounding neighbourhoods and encourages sustainable modes of transport.


The neighbourhood design code creates neighbourhoods of specific character within each village. Often neighbourhood character is driven by the landscape and topography of the site. The complex landscape mosaic that exists requires a specific design approach, resulting in a natural variation in character from one area to the next. 

Western Village Centre and Main Street

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1. Historic Structure
This responds to the historic spine created by Green Lane, with a hierarchy of east-west routes linking the neighbourhood to surrounding open spaces.

2. The Historic Green
Acts as a focal point when transitioning from the main street, into more rural areas of the village. Future uses could include community growing space and orchards, as well as natural children’s play facilities.

3. Village Centre and Senior Living Hub
Will deliver a range of community, health and retail facilities, selling food and drink produced on site.
Senior Living Apartments will be delivered around private courtyards adjacent to the centre.

4. Green Lane Interface
Buildings should be setback from Green Lane, providing a significant green curtilage.

5. Key Frontage
Should deliver a contemporary take on locally distinctive architectural features.

6. Village Access Point
A distinctive sense of arrival to the western village, creating a green setting and an architecturally distinctive frontage.


The Masterplan

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The Masterplan

Have your say

Your opinions, thoughts and ideas have been crucial in helping to shape Godley Green into a garden village that we can all take pride in.

Further opportunities to get involved will be provided through the planning process.

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